Friday, 31 December 2010

Kellcomm - Get featured in new book


Would you like to feature in an exciting book alongside some world giants?

Due to the success of my book, ‘Love your Customer, Grow Your Business’ my publisher has requested I release the follow up in the series sooner than expected.

How do you build loyalty and trust and sell more online?

‘Love Your Customer, Grow Your Business Online’ will feature the secrets of the success of Amazon, Dell, Hewlett Packard and major hotel groups and fashion and food stores.

Have you done something extraordinary online? Here are some thoughts to prompt you.


Does your communication with your customers make them feel special?
How do you make life easier for your customer?
What lessons have you learned that you wish you knew earlier?
How do you promote your site?
Have you ever doubled your sales with one piece of copy writing genius?
What major awards have you won?

I am looking for a 400 word piece.I will edit all the successful stories and return them for approval.

It will either sit alone or alongside an example from a major corporate.
Please email for further information or to submit your work.

Closing date is January 17th.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Kellcomm - How to effectively use Questions and Answers in a presentation

How to effectively use Questions and Answers in a presentation

Great presenters efficiently use a tablet PC for their presentations. They ask questions of their audience, stop the presentation, and write their answers on a computer's desktop, which displays on the screen for everyone to see.

This offers the audience a break and and helps stimulate another part of their brain.

Remember, an excellent presentation should edutain ( educate and entertain) It's very hard to do all three with one approach to your presentation.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Kellcomm - Cold Calling

Turning a cold call into a warm conversation is a major skill.

In face to face communication your powers are divided roughly this way.

Words 7%

Tone 38%

Body language 55%

This means on a phone call you are using only 45% of your communication powers.

The number one cause of failure is to accept it is a numbers game. Think about what this tells your subconscious. This is accepting failure before you pick up the phone, and it endorses poor performance. It's a great excuse for a poorly prepared and delivered call. Champions expect success.

There is no best time because you don't know a persons diary or mood. Some sales people make excuses and don't start work until 11am. They finish at 4pm mentally because it's another great excuse. If a call is compelling it will be listened to.


Preparation, Concentraton and Moderation.


Research, Listen and Respect your listeners time.

Donald Trump once told a salesperson " Make me like you. Get to the point, be energetic and offer me a benefit."

When Michael Buble hits the stage, he delivers his songs like he's singing them for the first time. Do you have that same enthusiasm for every call or are you just plodding through a numbers game?

The famous Golfer Jack Niklaus once said he was the best because he could put a bad shot out of his mind quicker than other players could. If a cold call goes wrong do you unknowingly allow that to infect other calls?

Prepare for success and expect it.

We train the brightest minds to communicate more effectively.

Warmest regards,

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Monday, 22 November 2010

Kellcomm - Dickens on Personal Development

1. Honesty.
Marley’s ghost delivered an honest message that he backed up with an example of the consequences. Scrooge’s honesty with himself allowed him to accept his mistakes and his need to grow.

2. Danger of Limited Thinking.
Scrooge once thought he was satisfied with his abundance of riches. He built a cocoon of meanness that stunted his spiritual and emotional development.

3. Goals.
Scrooge showed us that to achieve our goal, we must take massive action now! Putting things off until tomorrow not only delays the pain but increases it.

4. Choices.
Scrooge showed us that our beliefs precede reality. Our brain is our hardware, and we have the ability to replace any negative software with the good positive stuff anytime we wish. The ghosts inspired his change of beliefs and in doing so helped him change his feelings, decisions and choices. All these combined to create his new reality.

5. Success.
We learn that success is a very personal thing. It’s not about blindly following the path of another. Scrooge realised that his hard- nosed business mind needed the emotional intelligence Bob Cratchett possessed. This mix of IQ and EQ made him feel genuinely fulfilled.

6 How to Offer a Gift.
The gift of flowers to another person is only as successful as the message delivered with it. Scrooge didn’t just offer gifts after his redemption. He became a part of the gift also.

7. Respect.
The essence of great communication can be summed up in these seven letters. Treat yourself with respect and offer the same to those around you. Mr Fezziwig under whom Scrooge served his apprenticeship gained the respect of his staff by showing them respect and generosity of spirit.

8. Memory.
The Ghost of Christmas Past personified the importance of memory. Scrooge’s growth relied on his ability to honestly reflect on his past. He showed us that we must accept the reason we are in a position today is predominantly related to the decisions we made yesterday.

9. Organisation.
The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come personified the value of time. When Scrooge asked this ghost to erase the writing on his own headstone he was asking for a chance to change what would be written on it one day. He realised his time was not forever. Time is our most valuable asset. Money can be won and lost and won again but wasted time is gone forever.

10. Excellent Communication.
Marley’s ghost created a master pitch for Scrooge. He was prepared and created a dialogue instead of a self -obsessed monologue. He framed, positioned and explained the situation to Scrooge in a very compelling way. Dickens used the most important punctuation mark in a salesman’s grammar, the question mark. He employed the core questions what and why to develop this very important conversation. Without them, Scrooge would have remained rigid in his meanness and Marley’s ghost might have failed in his aim.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Thursday, 18 November 2010

A Kellcomm Christmas Carol - a sales inspiration

When people talk about life changing books Charles Dickens 'A Christmas Carol' gets overlooked.That's because they cannot see beyond a mean Scrooge. The story represents all change, whether it's health, spiritual or business. One of the main points that Dickens makes is that we must take massive action now if we want to change. When you put things off until tomorrow, you allow to the pain to grow.

I have adapted this classic story as a sales and personal inspiration. It's my gift to you.Also includes 'Dickens on Personal Development'.

Enjoy A Kellcomm Christmas Carol at

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The Carols Of Sales Success

C.... Communicate a value and deliver it with integrity.

A.... Attitude is a trait that must be positive and constantly reinforced.

R..... Respect your customers beliefs and goals.

O.... Organisation will save you and your customers valuable time.

L.... Listen to what your customers want and need instead of what you want to sell.

S.... Service which is outstanding enhances customer trust, loyalty and a desire to
refer you to others.

copyright Kellcomm 2010.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Monday, 8 November 2010


1 Don’t deliver Press kits that weigh heavier than Mike Tyson. Newsrooms are not very big.

2 Never ask why a story wasn’t run. There could be many reasons.

3 Don’t waste their time with a story of no value.

4 Never lie. A reporter burned will never trust you again. It’s a foolish thing to attempt.

5 Poor Communication will waste a reporter’s valuable time. Either seek expert help if you are unsure or ask an expert to write your press release.

6 Don't get upset if your story is not told as you wanted it to be. It’s a story and not an advert you paid for.

7 Don’t promise an exclusive when it’s not. You damage a reporter's credibility, and that is unfair, and you will not be forgiven.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Thursday, 4 November 2010

7 Tips To Protect Your Voice

Some people with a major sales pitch or job interview to plan for, think its ok to indulge in alcohol the night before. Apart from looking tired, their voice receives a double blow of no rest and the wrong sort of lubrication.
My years as a very successful broadcaster taught me that my instrument – my voice had to be looked after. The same goes for you.
Pick your times for having a great night out but don’t allow a poor vocal delivery to destroy your chances of success.

1 Practice a 5 minute daily deep breathing routine. When you breathe deeply you not only reduce stress, but you allow your delivery to have more natural volume.

2 Shouting is not good for your voice. How did you feel after going to a concert or a sporting event? Did you feel croaky? The strain on your vocal chords can be felt the very next day.

3 Try a glass of hot water with a spoonful of honey or a slice of lemon before you make a speech.

4 Alcohol, dairy products and smoking wreak havoc with your vocal delivery. How many times have we been subjected to a speaker, who was buoyed up by booze and thought he or she could hold an audience’s attention like the greatest speakers? Their slurred words in between coughs, the memory lapse and unstructured delivery caused boredom, some joviality but mostly embarrassment.

5 Rest is essential when your voice is strained, or when you can feel an illness like laryngitis coming on. Pushing it beyond its ability will strain it and reduce the speed of your recovery.

6 Warm up with a hum. All great communicators warm up their vocal cords before they speak at large events.

7 Find the pitch range that is right for you. If your pitch is too high or too low it can damage your voice. It is best you seek expert advice.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

7 Ways To Motivate Yourself Right Now

The legendary footballer George Best understood he had a problem with alcohol and knew he was going to fix the problem. However, George said it was always going to be tomorrow. He said his intentions were positive, but he just couldn’t get in gear.
Do you find that your goals are never met despite your dreams being strong?
Do you get frustrated when you meet failure and if only? Let’s look at some ways to turbo charge your motivation through better communication with yourself.

1 Create a movie in your mind of what you want to achieve. Step inside that movie and hear the sounds, and enjoy the colours and the impact your success has on you and those around you.

2 Act as if you are already achieving your success. This will help you communicate with yourself and others in a way that attracts success. If you think of yourself as confident and healthy you will do things that will fit the image you have yourself.

3 Promise yourself something special for achieving your goal. Put a picture of that car you want or that holiday destination you love on your wall to keep you motivated.

4 Avoid energy vampires who just want to dump their negative thoughts in your mind. There are some people who are stuck in a negative rut. They are in a job they hate. They are bitter about being passed up for promotion and think they are better than their boss. You can tell them a true story about a friend who lost their job and house through no fault of their own, but they don’t care. Second hand negativity is almost as bad as second hand smoke. There comes a time when you have to realise that they don’t want your help. It is better for you to be a positive environment which will add fuel to your goals.

5 Move right now. Motion creates emotion. If you say you are going to get fit from tomorrow, then start today, even if it’s progressively small. Get into the habit of putting your trainers on and walk or run today. A five minute workout will eradicate the “I’ll start tomorrow” syndrome.

6 Ask for feedback from an expert to keep you on track and encourage you to keep you on course. Read positive books and use workbooks to plan and chart your success.

7 Tell yourself to be patient. We all know that two week diets never work. People lose water and a few pounds and within weeks they are back to being unhappy again. Be realistic while remaining positive. Patience is a skill and it prevents frustration and negativity.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Why people buy people

Some Sales Managers tell their teams that people buy people,but they don't explain why and how you can improve your chances of making a sale. If you fail to build rapport with a customer you lose. Would you do business with someone you didn't like or didn't feel a connection with? Rapport leads to trust and patient understanding of your pitch. It is the most important part of any relationship.Isn't it true that we forgive people more easily when we have an affinity to them. The same is true with your customer.

Rapport is simple to create. This not an earth shattering revelation but many fail to do it. This is how you do it. If you have an ego leave it at the door. Decide to put your customer first and treat them like royalty. When you think like this you can see things from their view point. Just show them you care.There it is. Simple.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Love Your Customer, Grow Your Business

"Listening is an attitude of the heart, a genuine desire to be with another, which both attract's and heals." - J Isham

Do you remember the first date you went on with a loved one? Isn’t it true that you probably listened more intently to them on that day than you have since? There was magic created as you both switched off from the outside world and engaged in meaningful dialogue where you both felt good. This happened for two reasons. Firstly, you wanted to impress, and secondly you were genuinely interested. When we are listened to, our minds open like a parachute, and we communicate more freely. When we gaze into a listener's eyes we feel refreshed because we know they care.
Everybody wants to be loved and listening attentively without any motives is a sincere form of love. The listener is silently saying "I respect you, and I am interested in what you are saying." If the opposite occurs you have words crossing each other or subject changes within every minute.
Have you ever spoken to somebody, and you saw in their eyes that they could not wait to butt in and either offer their opinion or talk about themselves?

Did you notice their head nodding quickly and their eyes urging you to finish? Did you speed up your thought process and delivery only to be cut off in a mid sentence anyway? How did that make you feel? Did you feel like there was no real communication? Did you feel that it was just an exchange of words?

Now think about this? Do you act like that when you talk to a customer? Are you so excited by what you offer that you cannot control your urge to tell them all you know?
This is what your customer thinks when you don’t listen. “He might as well have told me all he knew in an email or a brochure. I didn’t feel a connection with him and would find it hard to do business”. The stress of the sale and the desire to assert expertise must not destroy your listening skills if you want to develop a relationship of trust and respect.

Is the art of listening easy? No, it’s not. It takes energy, motivation and concentration, but it is your best communication tool. The biggest barriers between two people are their inability to listen intelligently, understandingly and skilfully.
So what makes a good listener? A good listener is careful not to judge but understands the ability of us all to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. A good listener will not generalise, distort or delete any information received but will use it to ask a clarifying question when the opportunity arrives. A good listener does not wander in thought but strives to understand everything in full. Listening with a good intention makes a customer feel special so isn’t worth doing it properly.

Taken from the forthcoming book "Love Your Customer, Grow Your Business" by Darren Kelly.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

CEO Communication

I recently advised the CEO of a large blue chip company. He told me at first that he didn’t need any advice as he was successful already. His troops as he called them obeyed his commands and worked hard and the only issue he had was a belligerent board who stifled his goals.
I delved deeper and discovered the real issue. He always spoke from his frame of reference and never considered how people where receiving his information. His organisation was not a listening one so he was oblivious to the real thoughts of his staff. The same approach met the board’s buffers and this led to a more stressful life for this CEO. He finally admitted his need for change and now the cogs of his organisation are better oiled and moving faster in his direction of choice.
Wouldn’t life at all levels be less stressful and more productive if you could
• Inform more clearly?
• Persuade more effectively?
• Influence more productively?
• Inspire people to be better than they are?
• Negotiate better?

Call Darren now for a confidential chat 0800 4488 639

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

More Humour Tips For Speeches And Presentations

I always say that if Popes, Presidents, Prime Ministers and Business Leaders use humour don’t you think it’s a good idea to lighten up your speech or presentation?

1 Know more about your audience and then it’s easier to play with them.
2 Original material always gets a better response.
3 Life is filled with funny examples if you look through humour glasses.
4 Great humour is never written but rewritten. Don’t give up on your material.
5 Be yourself. You need to discover your own style rather than use someone else's.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Apple Secrets

I will admit to loving my I phone as it makes life so much easier and I don’t mean just checking the football scores on a Saturday afternoon. To launch such a product to the world takes immense preparation and skill and Apples Steve Jobs is certainly someone at the top of his game. Let me share with you some observations from his presentations that you can use today in yours.
1 He always sets the theme by hinting about a major announcement at the start.
2 His theme is consistent throughout his presentation.
3 He provides a guidepost to make it easy to follow.
4 He makes statistics meaningful by relating them to that moment and something we can
easily see in our mind.
5 His language is in tandem with the brand- exciting, extraordinary and mesmerising.
6 His presentations are big on visuals and short on bullet points.
7 He holds you right until the end when he says” Oh and one more thing.”

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

U2 must watch the little things

I had the pleasure of getting a special invite to see U2 on their Zooropa tour in the 90's. The band was rehearsing as I sat alone in the stand. I noticed Bono jumping from the stage and running around the arena. Soon, he was coming towards me and in within seconds this rock icon was in the seat next to me. “What do you think of the sound”? he said.” It sounds good to me” I replied. “ It's not right just yet” he replied He. knew that inadequate sound would dampen months of preparation and creativity and the performance would be weaker than the audience expected.

How many times have you seen presenters who know their subject inside out and their audience but let little things affect their presentation. Here are just a few examples.

• Audience not being able to see due to poor room set up.
• Technical equipment crashing
• Colours difficult to see in visuals
• Microphone squeals
• Room temperature too high

Remember, the little details have a big impact. Top presenters ensure that their audience is looked after and is comfortable to receive their message.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Sunday, 9 May 2010

A Golfers Public Speaking Fear

Swedish golfer Annika Sörenstam is regarded in the same way as Tiger Woods, Greg Norman and Jack Nicklaus. She won 72 LPG Tournaments including 10 Majors and in 2003 became the first woman to play in a men's PGA Tour event since 1945. Her records include the lowest scoring average in a season ( 68.6969) in 2004 and her earnings of $22 million were way ahead of her nearest competitors. No other female golfer has shot a 59 in a competition and no one has bettered her 8 Player of the Year Awards.

However, there was one thing that could have held her back from such success.

When she was a teenager, Annika's potential was not leading to success despite a handicap of 54. The reason shocked everyone. Her extreme shyness forced her to deliberately three putt intentionally at the end of a tournament to avoid the trauma of giving a victory speech. After some investigation, her coaches diagnosed the reasons for failure and decided on a course of action to help the future star develop the one skill that could deny her golfing world greatness.

Is a fear of public speaking holding you back from greatness?

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Why you need a communication Coach?

If you were to ask the greatest communicators in your industry if they have a coach, many will say no. Why? They realise a coach is essential but feel it’s a sign of weakness to admit it. It seems strange that Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Barack Obama and other world greats have a coach and admit it but some business people don’t.

The danger for many who believe that you either have it, or you don’t is they will most likely never have it. You are not born with excellent communication skills but this art that can be learned. Like others, you start off clumsily and get better before reaching excellence. It is a journey of discovery, which will bring you greater personal and business confidence to reach any goal you desire.

How much difference does a coach make?
A communication coach will see the things that you don’t see and help you weed out the problems that are strangling your communication. Because the coach understands the structure and form over and beyond content, they can analyse your communication framework so people act on your words. It’s not just about fixing but generating new potentials, new resources and new strengths for greater performance.

What else does a coach do? A coach will hold you accountable and will only be satisfied when you reach your goals. A great coach will only be satisfied when you are performing at your highest level.

The Kellcomm method helps you win by teaching you the skills, showing you the rules, and guiding your practice. It accepts some wisdom of the past but is completely focused on what is essential for superior communication today. With the right attitude, you will reach the top of your game, and enjoy the fun, success and achievement that great communication offers.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Thursday, 15 April 2010

The Leaders Debate

Tonight was a momentous occasion for British politics. The last time we saw a 3 way leader’s debate was back in 1992 when Bush senior, Clinton and Perot took part in the US Leaders debate. Our version had a much warmer and natural feel to it. Each candidate tonight was new to this style of debate, and I thought they all did very well considering the pressure they were under.

So why did Nick Clegg win in the polls? His nervous start was expected, but he quickly grew in confidence. His rapid hand movements at the start slowed down as the debate went on. Here are the reasons why Clegg connected with people and polled the highest.

1 He was honest.
2 He remembered people’s names. This showed a caring side.
3 He looked into the camera and into our eyes at home. Interaction with the viewer and not the studio audience was essential.
4 He stood up for himself when Gordon Brown tried to cosy up to him and Cameron questioned him.
5 He was comfortable in his own skin because he had a conviction in his beliefs.
6 He answered actual questions and didn’t report solely from the prepared party line.
7 People believed him because he backed up his words with facts.
8 He didn’t rudely interrupt others.
9 He didn’t seem to be rehearsed to the point of being robotic.
10 He told stories.

The fact that Clegg's performance puts him in a much stronger position now, highlights the importance once again of the ability to communicate effectively. Master this art and your business and personal life will improve dramatically.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Friday, 2 April 2010

Dr Martin Luther King

Many people quote Dr Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' speech as being the greatest ever but fail to explain why. This is no bad thing as great performers have an ability to make performances look effortless while leaving us with a lasting glow.

Dr King's delivery was remarkable for 4 reasons.
1 The cause was big.
2 He had a magnificent voice.
3 His diction was magical.
4 He was a spiritualist and a philosopher who really believed in the cause.

When you give a speech, ask yourself two questions.
1 Will my words touch the soul?
2 Will anybody remember it 1 year on?

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Sunday, 28 March 2010

10 tips to build audience rapport

1 Get out from the lectern and embrace your audience.
2 Spread your eye contact around the room.
3 Get to meet your audience before the speech.
4 Don’t let your body language betray your words.
5 Aim for their soul.
6 Ask questions.
7 Be you.
8 Show your audience you care about them.
9 Make them feel like stars.
10 Understand them.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Sunday, 21 March 2010

How to make characters come alive on stage

Here’s a tip for you when you have different characters in a story you are telling. To improve audience attention and interest pick a place on the stage to look at when you are talking about each character. For example, if you mention Justin you could look to your left, and if you mention Tanya you could look to your right. The movements must be very slight but if executed correctly will help place the characters of your story on stage with you. You can also change your tone of voice for each character, which will help bring them alive.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Communicate on TV

The TV election debates are looming and the pressure is on for all party leaders. In the USA, we know Nixon lost to Kennedy because TV didn’t like him and Obama and Clinton have an ability to transport themselves into your living room. Will our big three perform to the standard Obama set in his campaign? Brown, Cameron and Clegg will be listening very carefully to their media advisers, so they come across as the only person to lead the country. They might know their subject but when it comes to TV it’s not even half the battle.
Kellcomm’s Media PRO 365 programme is essential for projecting yourself in the best way possible on TV. Here are some tips for when you face an interview on tv.
• Study the TV show or similar style shows before you appear
• Prepare answers to possible questions
• Always answer every question
• Correct any errors about you or the body you represent
• Drink room temperature water while waiting in the green room. No coffee or alcohol
• Find out, which is the close up camera
• Think of only one viewer at home watching you and connect with them
• Never switch off until you leave the studio

You can call Darren on 0800 4488 639 to book a free consultation for your future Media appearances.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Saturday, 6 March 2010

A Lesson for Public Speakers from The Jackson's.

I interviewed Lionel Richie twice in my media career, and he always enthused about The Jackson’s. He said they were so polished and prepared, and that they loved their audience too much to offer a half hearted delivery. He told me the number one thing they taught him was that you must offer your best at the start of any performance. He smiled and said “If you don't they won't stay around for the rest.” He also learned the importance of practicing when The Commodores supported The Jackson's in their early days at Motown. The current DVD from Michael Jackson’s brothers ‘The Jackson's, A Family Dynasty ‘offers an even greater insight into offering your audience the best performance possible.

Two points stood out.
•Jermaine asked his brother Tito to coach him, which highlighted that even experts need expertise
•Eldest brother Jackie wasn’t prepared to do a show without proper preparation. He said The Jackson's had set the standard, and they weren’t going to drop it

So who is your coach and are you always prepared to give your audience the quality they deserve?
Are you making the most of every sales presentation, motivational speech and golden marketing opportunity in the media? Could you be doing better? Call Kellcomm. We can help.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Friday, 5 March 2010

Humour in a speech

I was asked a question about humour in a speech by a friend who works for a major international bank. He had watched a famous comedian on DVD and thought he could borrow the jokes that the comedian’s audience loved. I asked him if he was trying to commit career suicide, and he stared at me with a blank expression on his face. I believe humour is essential for any speech, but you are better off introducing it gradually if you are new to it. Some comedians have been rehearsing their routines for 10 years before they get their break. So why would you think you can do it after 10 minutes. Here are 5 tips for using humour
• practice at least 25 times before you deliver
• record yourself and listen to it
• get feedback from a pro
• only use a joke if it suits your personality and your audience
• keep a humour library

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Thursday, 4 March 2010

The number 1 reason for typing errors

The reason is that people can process 400 – 500 thought words per minute. People try to type as fast as they can speak and this leads to errors in typing. Through research and training at Kellcomm, The Academy of Public Speaking we have found that some people are so excited by their message that they forget to put it in the proper context. Here is a suggestion to avoid typing mistakes, which make you look unprofessional. Type as fast as your ideas will let you for creative flow but leave it for 10 minutes and analyse for mistakes before hitting the send button.
If you type and correct as you go along you will hinder the creative process. Go with your flow and then edit.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Are you listening?

The average person can process 400-500 thought words per minute. The average person speaks 150 words per minute. Now that leaves quite a bit of time for a listening mind to wander from your communication. What's the solution. See

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Number 1 trait of a great communicator

I was asked today by a potential client what I thought was the number one trait of a great communicator.I replied "the ability to listen." Would a doctor diagnose you before hearing what you had to say? Too many people think that standing up in front of an audience and speaking makes you a great communicator.You must remember it's a two way interactive process.Listening is just as much an art as speaking.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Desire, dedication and determination in business

Barack Obama has his problems in America with his proposed health reforms not being welcomed by the opposition. It was just over a year ago that the President was granted higher status than Superman. He is, however, made of stern stuff and will perhaps seek inspiration from the greatest ever US president and his idol. Abraham Lincoln's path to the White House is a lesson for everyone who faces adversity.

Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865)

Business failure in 1831
Legislature defeat in 1832
Business failure in 1833
Nervous breakdown in 1836
Speaker defeat in 1838
Electorate defeat in 1840
Congress defeat in 1843
Congress defeat in 1848
Senate defeat in 1855
Vice president defeat in 1856
Senate defeat in 1858
Elected the 16th US president in 1860

Whatever your goal is, keep going.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Monday, 1 March 2010

The recent live edition of Eastenders throws up an interesting thought for all people who speak in front of an audience. It was obvious that in such a pressured performance we would see quite a few mistakes. People got excited when they spotted one. What surprised many people was the number of mistakes they missed. So here is a giant Kellcomm tip for when you make your next speech or presentation. The audience does not know your script or full plan so don't get hung up on what are minor blips to you. The audience probably never noticed. Famous golfer Jack Nicklaus said his greatest talent was his ability to forget a bad shot. So keep going and focus on what you are getting right and not the occasional blip that others will have missed.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Media likes and dislikes

Here are 10 likes and dislikes of the media. If you are seeking publicity or managing a crisis they will be of special interest to you.

10 media dislikes

A story that their reader, listener or viewer can identify with

Visuals like photos and graphics which make your story easier to assess

People who have a positive and willing attitude

People who are prompt and keep their promises

Press releases that get to the point quickly

People who are fully prepared to be interviewed and know their product inside out

People who are polite and appreciative

People who make themselves available when the media needs a favour

Experts in subjects

Stories with a celebrity angle

10 media dislikes

People who don't accept no for an answer and ruin a relationship before it's begun

Press releases that are as long as a book

Media kits that weigh as much as Mike Tyson

Calls asking why a press release has not been used

Coffee mugs and other branded items that just take up space in the press room

People who don't understand that particular medias audience

People who lie. The media never forgets when it gets burned

People who don't respect the time of a media person

People who get annoyed when their story is not delivered the way they want it

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts