Thursday, 29 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (The Iron Lady's and Obama's Convictions) Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 38


When you listen to a great speaker, you develop a strong feeling about their words too. You sense that they believe in what they are saying. Their speech is normally free of “ums” and “errs,” and other words that weaken their message. Their body language and eye contact reaffirms the authority and honesty of both their message and their belief in it. ‘The Iron Lady’ was a compelling speaker who drew people to her because of her conviction. She once said, “I am not a consensus politician. I am a conviction politician." Was it complete arrogance on her part or just the leadership communication style of the day?

That style of communication does not work today because open communication is essential for consensus before conviction. If we remove ourselves from the theological and political argument, we discover a refreshing thought that says opinion polls and media spin will not divert me from what I believe. No doubt Thatcher possessed utter conviction in her thoughts and words. Whether people liked or disliked her policies, they believed her words.

This post is neither an attack nor a defence of Thatcher as a person or politician. I am simply highlighting one of her finest traits that made her an excellent communicator.

Obama Care or Health Care Reform has divided America. Obama once said the cost of healthcare weighed down the economy and conscience of America and caused a bankruptcy every 30 seconds. Whether people accepted his view or not, they accepted that he believed in his words. Obama knows that like Lincoln, JFK and ‘The Iron Lady’, you don’t always get it right, but your ability to speak in public is weak if you don’t have conviction in your thoughts and words.

Tomorrow, I will analyse 'The Iron Lady's' vocal delivery.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

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