‘How To Give a Better Speech Than Obama and change your world’ is divided into seven chapters.
A Note from Darren
Chapter 1. Organisation
Chapter 2. Body Language
Chapter 3. Accuracy (of information)
Chapter 4. Memorable
Chapter 5. Action (includes Obama and me)
Chapter 6. Better Than Obama
Chapter 7. Hidden Bonus (available in the text version)
If you asked me what the most important chapter in the book is, I would say Chapter 2, Body Language. Why?
Can you please think about a great conversation you had recently with a friend? Try to remember their body language. Were they animated? How enthusiastic were they? How sincere was the exchange?
Dr. Albert Mehrabian said our communication is judged in three ways. He said 55 per cent of our communication is our body language; 38 per cent is how we say something, and 7 per cent is the words we use. So if we take the famous Dr’s advice, Chapter 2 is the most important chapter in the book.
When you think that Charlie Chaplain was funny without saying a word, it backs up Mehrabian’s studies that your expressions, gestures and movements are more important than your words.
On Monday, I will reveal the Irish man who inspired Obama to become a great speaker.
Take care,
PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
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