Wednesday, 14 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (A Lesson for Salespeople) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 23


Every salesperson must learn to discipline their disappointments. If you are in sales, you will have heard the word "no" far more often than "yes." It is simply impossible for everyone to love and respect your work. Approximately, 450 million people worldwide have bought a Harry Potter book. Does J.K. Rowling fret over the rest of the world's 7 billion plus population? Obama won 52.9% of the vote in the Presidential election in 2008. He accepts that you cannot get every vote.

One of the greatest ways to deal with disappointments and rejections is to develop a sense of humour. There is no point beating yourself up over past failures and rejections. If you do, you inadvertently take those negative experiences into every human interaction you have. That is not good for you or your business. From the moment Obama wakes up every morning, he faces criticisms, rejections of his plans, reminders of his previous words, divisions in his party and so much more. It is like he has to drive every day with the handbrake on.

However, Obama understands the need to smile, laugh and look at the bigger picture. In his 'Take Back America' speech in 2006, he told his audience that when he first got involved in politics, people would laugh at his name. They would call him "Alabama" and "Yo Mama." He regularly uses self-deprecation to belittle himself as the weaker parent in the Obama family. You must look for the humour in your life. It is one of your best friends when dealing with the stresses of chasing targets and servicing customers. You will always sell more when you are in a positive and cheerful mood. If humour works for Obama,it can work for you too. I discuss how you can develop your natural humour in the book.

Tomorrow, I will reveal the number one trait that leaders must learn from Obama.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square,Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

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