Thursday, 29 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Get Your Facts Right!) Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 41


If you make a statement that is factually incorrect you look incompetent at best and it can cost you the respect of your audience. When the United States 38th President Gerald Ford faced Jimmy Carter in the presidential TV debate in 1976, he made a comment about Eastern Europe that had everybody scratching their heads.

Ford said “There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, and there never will be under a Ford administration.” In one sentence Ford was able to destroy his chances of achieving a second term in the White House.

I discuss Obama's power for using correct facts in the book. I hope you like it.

Tomorrow, I will start a seven-day blog to celebrate the release of ‘The Iron Lady’ movie. The blog will be titled 'The Iron Lady V Labour' (The Labour Party in the UK). I will feature some of her greatest speeches and debates with the opposition. This will be a ‘warts and all’ look at the great and not so great communication skills of ‘The Iron Lady’.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

PPS: This post was written in advance to ensure continuity during holiday time.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - ('Stand Up, Speak, Sit Down ) Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 40


The United States 32nd President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said. "Be sincere; be brief; be seated."

One of the biggest mistakes a speaker can make is to talk too long. The Technology Education Design talks, which feature many experts in business, health and science vary in length, with the longest I found being only 22 minutes. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, recognised as one of the greatest speeches of all time, is only 265 words long. Sometimes, the toughest decision while preparing a speech is to be honest and to take things out that may strangle your message.

If you look at some of Obama's speeches on YouTube you will notice how long they are. Many of his speeches are designed to change America and the world. They are not as long as you would think. The greatest speakers understand that brevity is a necessary art for any speaker.

Tomorrow, I will discuss the need to avoid factual errors in your speech.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

PPS: This post was written in advance to ensure continuity during holiday time.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - ('The Iron Lady' and Obama - Voices of Power) Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 39


On January 2nd, I will start a seven-day blog to celebrate the release of ‘The Iron Lady’ movie. The blog will be titled 'The Iron Lady V Labour' (The Labour Party in the UK). I will feature some of her greatest speeches and debates with the opposition. This will be a ‘warts and all’ look at the great and not so great communication skills of ‘The Iron Lady’.

Today, I would like to write about her vocal range. When you heard 'The Iron Lady' speak she used her voice like a musical instrument. She could take her voice from a lower range when she discussed a challenge and let her voice fly to a higher pitch as she offered a solution. When you hear Obama speak you cannot help but be drawn to his powerful voice too. Many speakers deliver in a monotone voice or speak too fast, while others are too quiet or too loud. Your aim should always be to sound like the best natural you. Obama’s voice is clear and strong, and it contains an assertiveness that has warmth. He uses his voice with the same variety and force that Martin Luther King did but in a more reserved way. Like King, he likes to change the volume in his voice. Can you imagine King’s "I Have a Dream” speech delivered in a monotone voice? Can you imagine Obama’s “Yes We Can” speech with a monotone delivery?

Take care,


Tomorrow, I will discuss the art of brevity.

PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

PPS: This post was written in advance to ensure continuity during holiday time.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (The Iron Lady's and Obama's Convictions) Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 38


When you listen to a great speaker, you develop a strong feeling about their words too. You sense that they believe in what they are saying. Their speech is normally free of “ums” and “errs,” and other words that weaken their message. Their body language and eye contact reaffirms the authority and honesty of both their message and their belief in it. ‘The Iron Lady’ was a compelling speaker who drew people to her because of her conviction. She once said, “I am not a consensus politician. I am a conviction politician." Was it complete arrogance on her part or just the leadership communication style of the day?

That style of communication does not work today because open communication is essential for consensus before conviction. If we remove ourselves from the theological and political argument, we discover a refreshing thought that says opinion polls and media spin will not divert me from what I believe. No doubt Thatcher possessed utter conviction in her thoughts and words. Whether people liked or disliked her policies, they believed her words.

This post is neither an attack nor a defence of Thatcher as a person or politician. I am simply highlighting one of her finest traits that made her an excellent communicator.

Obama Care or Health Care Reform has divided America. Obama once said the cost of healthcare weighed down the economy and conscience of America and caused a bankruptcy every 30 seconds. Whether people accepted his view or not, they accepted that he believed in his words. Obama knows that like Lincoln, JFK and ‘The Iron Lady’, you don’t always get it right, but your ability to speak in public is weak if you don’t have conviction in your thoughts and words.

Tomorrow, I will analyse 'The Iron Lady's' vocal delivery.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (The Iron Lady, Churchill and Hollywood) Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 37


The Oscar winning actress Meryl Streep said Margaret Thatcher left an "indelible impression" on her at a lecture at her daughter's university. The actress recently praised Thatcher for achieving success against the odds. ‘The Iron Lady’ movie, directed by Phyllida Lloyd ("Mamma Mia") has come in for some stinging criticism. Some say its purpose is to win an Oscar. Others say that it is riddled with poetic license, and they claim scenes like Thatcher wearing a hat in the House of Commons at Prime Ministers Question Time are ridiculous. However, fans of the movie say that it goes beyond policy to reach the personality, and shows the spiritual, mental and physical energy that kept Thatcher in power for so long.

Meryl Streep said that she is astounded that a woman could become Prime Minister at all. At the time, top jobs for women existed in fashion but not in a man’s arena. A serious question raises its head once again. Why are male leaders like Winston Churchill still lauded by many people when ‘The Iron Lady’ receives criticism for similar views and actions? Streep suggested recently that many people were and still are uncomfortable with a female leader.

You don’t have to be a fan; you don’t have to agree with her policies, and you don’t have to like ‘The Iron Lady’. However, even her harshest critic cannot deny that she normalised female success at the highest level. Thatcher possessed the same hope that Obama had in the south side of Chicago when he was told that nothing could be done. She possessed the same hope that Churchill possessed when France surrendered. It was that same unsupported hope that convinced her that a woman could rise to the top. If you like Thatcher, I suggest you look beyond the Hollywood view and just enjoy a movie about the human spirit. If you dislike her, I suggest that you do the exact same. We are all guilty of admiring and borrowing traits from the people we like and love the most. However, isn’t it true that sometimes people we have not connected with can teach us something too?

Tomorrow, I will share with you the number one trait that made ‘The Iron Lady’ so compelling as a speaker.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (The Iron Lady v The First Lady) Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 36


When I watched Barack Obama and his wife Michelle on one of Oprah Winfrey’s last ever TV shows, I noticed honest steel in the First Lady’s words. When she spoke about her opinion of Facebook for her children, cleaning chores in the White House and the challenge of real-world politics, I always felt I was getting the truth. There were no hesitations in her replies as she searched for appropriate answers to court public opinion. There was an openness that endeared her to her audience. The role of First Lady is not a simple role of ceremony and pomp. It takes great understanding and skill, and each First Lady likes to leave The White House with the knowledge that she worked hard for change that was productive. Michelle Obama has many causes, including a desire to reverse childhood obesity.

Michelle Obama, like Thatcher is certainly a woman who knows her own mind and like Thatcher,” is not for turning.” She is the strength behind Barack Obama’s rise to the top of world politics. She shares his values, supports his cause, and she manages the chaos that the world of politics can dump on a family. She communicates her views and vision with a clarity and warmth that leaves no one in doubt as to her intentions and beliefs. She is also unafraid to discuss her disappointments and doubts. Her politics may differ from Thatcher’s, but they share the same self-belief.

However, nothing a First Lady will ever achieve can compare to the challenges of leading a major country as ‘The Iron Lady.’ But don’t be surprised if one-day Michelle Obama returns to The White House to achieve a feat that will shatter the glass ceiling of politics just like ‘The Iron Lady’ once did. Could Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama become the first female president of the U.S.A. in years to come? I wouldn’t bet against it!

Tomorrow, I will discuss ‘The Iron Lady’ v Churchill (A View from Hollywood).

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Monday, 26 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (The Iron Lady under pressure) Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 35


On November 13, 1990 a former Chancellor and Foreign Secretary in Margaret Thatcher's government delivered a speech in The House of Commons that rocked 'The Iron Lady'. Geoffrey Howe was a former barrister who Thatcher demoted in 1989 from Foreign Secretary to Leader of The House of Commons.

Howe highlighted his reasons for resigning from 'The Iron Lady's' government despite sharing 700 meetings over 18 years and 400 hours at 30 international summit meetings. Howe was upset by Thatcher's negative views about joining a single European currency, and he felt that he had no choice but to resign. The speech mirrored the style of Mark Anthony's speech in Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’. Howe started his speech with a respectful tone, and he built it towards a crescendo of disappointment and disagreement that encouraged other people to turn on 'The Iron Lady'.

Just like Mark Anthony described Brutus and Cassius as “honourable men,” Howe paid tribute to the character and successes of his leader. Like Mark Anthony, he delivered his words in a tone that suggested more concern for what was right, than concern for revenge. He spoke about ‘The Iron Lady’s’ intransigence over the single currency issue by using words like “damage,” “ tragedy,” “ a serious error,” “very serious,” “worst possible outcome,” “ tragic,” “ serious risks,” “very real tragedy,” “ sadness” and “dismay.” He supported his words by quoting Harold McMillan and Winston Churchill's support for a more unified Europe. Howe made it clear that his views were born of the "true interests of the nation." ‘The Iron Lady’ responded to Howe’s words by saying her feelings lay "more in sorrow than in anger" However, Howe’s words helped topple a leader, who had brought the party three consecutive electoral victories.

Meryl Streep described the movie ‘The Iron Lady’ as “King Lear for Girls.” Just like Shakespeare’s ‘King Lear’, the movie deals with the truth that power eventually diminishes in all its aspects. It also highlights the fact that it is the words of those closest to us that wound the most. Howe’s words rocked ‘The Iron Lady’ and proved that behind every image is a human being with the frailties that we all possess.

Tomorrow, I will discuss how ‘The Iron Lady’ compares to America’s 'First Lady', Michelle Obama.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Sunday, 25 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (The Iron Lady - Powerful Words) Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 34


Because today is Christmas Day, this post has been prepared in advance to enable me to enjoy every second of the festive fun. The live posts will begin again tomorrow!

Great speakers have an incredible ability to communicate in the shortest amount of words. I would like to share with you some phrases 'The Iron Lady' spoke to describe her critics, her 'Iron Lady' label, and other subjects like, success, decision-making and productivity.

1. Critics

"If my critics saw me walking over the Thames, they would say it was because I couldn't swim."

2. Reaction to her 'Iron Lady' label

"If you lead a country like Britain, a strong country, a country which has taken a lead in world affairs in good times and in bad, a country that is always reliable, then you have to have a touch of iron about you."

3. Success

"What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose."

4. Decision making

"The wisdom of hindsight, so useful to historians and indeed to authors of memoirs, is sadly denied to practicing politicians."

5. Productivity

"Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it."

Obama also understands the power of simple and succinct phrases that capture logic and emotion. After all, he used three simple words to motivate his supporters to elect him president in 2008. When he was defeated by Hilary Clinton in the New Hampshire Primary that year, he rejuvenated the hearts and minds of his followers when he said, "Yes We Can."

Tomorrow, I will share with you the speech that rocked 'The Iron Lady'.

Take care, and please accept my sincere wishes for a wonderful Christmas.


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Saturday, 24 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (The Iron Lady - Reagan eulogy) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 33


When I heard Martin Luther King’s eulogy for the martyred children of Birmingham, Alabama in 1963, I was struck by the power his words offered the bereaved families. King used his empathy and choice of words to place the four young girls in the best seats in heaven. Ronald Reagan achieved the same spiritual beauty when he spoke after the Spaceship Challenger exploded in 1986. Those two tragedies were unforeseen events that shocked the world. In 2004, after Ronald Reagan died at his home in Los Angeles, it was time for someone to offer a eulogy for him.

It was Reagan’s wish that Margaret Thatcher participated in the service, and she didn’t let him down. ‘The Iron Lady’ proved that she could be soft- hearted, even if she was not soft-headed. She delivered a eulogy at the state funeral service which was conducted at the Washington National Cathedral on June 11, 2004. Thatcher had been advised by her doctors not to speak in public so her eulogy was videoed. She was present and watched her amazing tribute from her seat in church. This was a master class in offering a eulogy, and it poured comfort into the hearts of the Reagan family and the people of America. Why was it so good?

Her eulogy was more than just a tribute. It was a journey into the mind of her friend, and how his private world gave him the strength for his public life. Thatcher revealed some of Reagan’s words from their private conversations. Reagan once told Thatcher, “Nancy came along and saved my soul.” Can you imagine how beautiful those words sounded to Nancy Reagan? Can you imagine how Reagan’s children felt when Thatcher called him “a great president, a great American, a great man and a dear friend?” Can you imagine how his supporters felt when she said his “cheerful and invigorating style” healed the spirit of America? Thatcher offered us an insight into the humour and strength of Reagan that the cameras did not see. She described Reagan’s response to an attempt on his life. The former President told the doctors, “Whatever time I’ve got left belongs to the big fella upstairs." Thatcher showed us how his diplomacy and honest communication helped end the cold war without fighting. She revealed that he told Mikael Gorbachev, “Let me tell you why it is we don’t trust you.” Reagan won the respect of his enemy and led his enemy to peace.

‘The Iron Lady’ quoted the words of Bunyan, “that 'all the trumpets sounded on the other side.” This placed her friend Ronnie in a place of happiness, just like he did for others in 1986 and just like Martin Luther King did in 1963.

Obama will have seen and heard the eulogy for Reagan, and I do wonder how much it inspired the Senators eulogy for Rosa Parks in 2005. Obama spoke in the same tones as Thatcher when he praised Parks private and public life and her effect on his life. Obama said, “I think it is fair to say, were it not for that quiet moment of courage by Mrs. Parks, I would not be standing here today. I owe her great thanks, as does the Nation. She will be sorely missed.” Thatcher and Obama proved that a eulogy’s power comes from its honesty; it’s freshness of information and its ability to describe a person’s inner and outer life. What makes it even more special is when the speaker proves the effect the person had on their life.

Tomorrow, I will share with you five straight talking phrases spoken by 'The Iron Lady'.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square,Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Thursday, 22 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (The Iron Lady - Part 2) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 32


Margaret Thatcher once said that Ronald Reagan used humour to achieve a purpose more meaningful than humour. He used it to make people feel comfortable and to break any tension during tough negotiations. Thatcher was no stranger to humour, as her first speech inside the White House in 1979 demonstrated.

'The Iron Lady' achieved rapport with her audience with her gentle joke about George Washington being a British subject for the first 40 years of his life. She also admitted that U.S. and U.K. relations could have gotten off to a better start.

Thatcher sent her audience into a fit of giggles when she apologised for ruining the U.S. Secretary of State’s day. When she arrived at the airport, he was watching the Washington Redskins play the Dallas Cowboys. Thatcher blamed herself for the Redskins loss. After she won her audience over, she discussed the serious issues of the day before ending her speech with more gratitude.

The movie, 'The Iron Lady' shows Thatcher wearing a hat in the House of Commons. The people who worked with her say she never wore a hat in the House of Commons. Expect the usual Hollywood drama and exaggeration in the movie. However, her speech in 1979 inside the White House had all the dazzle that many speakers miss today.

Thatcher does not feature in the book because she is British, or because she is a woman. She features in the book because she could be an excellent communicator when she wanted to be. This book is not a book about policies and personal failures. If it was, even Obama might not have made it into it. ‘How To Give A Better Speech Than Obama and change your world’ is a book that offers you a look inside the words of great communicators so you can learn the good parts. I hope you take those good parts so you can change your world. When you change your world, I know that you can do your bit to make the world a better place for the rest of us.

Tomorrow, I will reveal the moment 'The Iron Lady's' words brought America to tears and what Obama learned from that moment.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (The Iron Lady) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 31


The movie ‘The Iron Lady’ will be released in cinemas from January 6th in the UK. It was Winston Churchill who coined the phrase, the ‘Iron Curtain’, and a Russian newspaper responded years later with the words ‘Iron Lady’ to describe Margaret Thatcher. Oscars winner Meryl Streep plays the Tory leader who was both loved and loathed.

While I believe Obama is the finest communicator of the last 30 years, I still believe that Thatcher had some brilliant traits too. She possessed the credibility and understanding of logic that Aristotle wrote about. However, her ability to empathise has been criticised. Her very first speech in The White House in 1979, during President Jimmy Carter's reign shows that she could possess empathy and humour when she wanted to. She is remembered though for the many speeches she gave with no empathy or humour.

In the book, I discuss how all great leaders borrow speaking skills from other leaders and other people. Thatcher’s famous phrase, ‘The lady’s not for turning’ was borrowed from a Christopher Fry novel called ‘The lady’s not for burning’. When I watched Obama deliver his ‘American Jobs Act’ speech this year, he possessed an air of authority and passion that brought back memories of Thatcher. He said, “Pass this jobs bill now,” 15 times. Obama, like Thatcher, understands the importance of repetition in a speech. When Thatcher spoke to The House of Commons in 1990 about Jacques Delors' desire to centralise power in Europe, she loudly proclaimed, “No, No.No." In 1997, Tony Blair looked John Major in the eye and said, “Weak, Weak, Weak.” Leaders are never afraid to cross sides when they spot a skill, phrase, word or style that can help them communicate their message.

Tomorrow, I will discuss the Thatcher speech that made America smile, and offer a deeper comparison to Obama.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (My Audacity of Hope) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 30


When I finish reading any book, I always think about the nuggets of information I can use in my life. Bill Clinton’s book, ‘My Life’ revealed that Alan Lakein’s book, ‘How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life’ changed his life. I bought Lakein’s book and it really changed mine. Stephen King‘s book,‘On Writing’ taught me that I have a long way to go, but that I should pay no attention to the same sort of critics who poured scorn on the very successful John Grisham. ‘The Road Less Travelled’ by Scott Peck helped me deal more effectively with my disappointments in life.

I decided not to read any of Obama’s books before I wrote this book because I did not want my mind influenced by his inner thoughts. After all, the book is about speech making and his ability to connect with other people. After I wrote my book, I picked up The Sunday Times, and The Guardian recommended ‘The Audacity of Hope’. I learned more about Obama, America, the world, and a lot more about myself.

I learned that I’m just like any other parent when I hold my daughters' hands and play with them. I accept that I do have this desire to preserve “every gesture” as Obama put it. I see them growing up so fast, and at times it does frighten me. It’s not that I know I’m getting older. It’s just that I love being a Dad so much. Being a parent is such a precious gift, but it’s also one that’s full of worry, and it’s ok to feel that way.

I learned that it’s important to express my honest views without worry that they may come back to haunt me one day. Obama wrote about how each vote in his Senate days could come back to haunt him. However, he realised that such thinking paralyses progress. When I write, train or speak,I know my heart is in the right place to help other people

I learned that I must remind myself daily of how lucky I am to live in a place called Yorkshire. I appreciate the people, but I must stop more often to appreciate the moors, the cities and everything else that makes it such a wonderful place. Obama wrote about meeting a woman after Hurricane Katrina. She told him that she had nothing before the hurricane, and now she had less than nothing. Martin Luther King once said that people get excited about neon lights, but they never stop to look at the sun rise. What can be more powerful than the sun? Not even the world’s greatest technology could compare with its strength, beauty and power.

I learned through Obama's insight into Rosa Park's funeral that statues and commemorative stamps may not be the best way to pay tribute to heroes of the past. The best tribute we can offer is to adopt a tiny part of their wisdom and greatness, and ensure that we improve on what they offered us.

‘The Audacity of Hope’ makes it into my all-time top ten books. I hope with a certain audacity that you find a nugget or two in my book that will ‘change your world’ too.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Churchill and the final edit) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 29


Winston Churchill said, “Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with, it is a toy and an amusement; then it becomes a mistress, and then it becomes a master, and then a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster, and fling him out to the public.”

I find Churchill’s words rush to my mind after every time I pass the stages of idea discovery, research and writing. It is true that you create the book, but then the book actually controls you. Let me give you one example.

After I wrote ‘The World’s Greatest Sales Lesson’ I sat reading ‘The Sunday Times’ newspaper on a warm Sunday afternoon. I noticed an article on Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft. The article mentioned a magazine article that inspired Bill Gates. The name of the magazine was different to the one I had written about in the book. Had I got it wrong? I never let things I cannot change affect the present moment so I calmly switched off from the subject to enjoy my family barbecue. The interrogation of my facts could wait until Bank Holiday Monday morning. I awoke at 7am the next morning and googled the subject on my mobile phone. I was pleased that it was the newspaper and not me who had made the error. This was good because the book had been released a month earlier!

After I finished ‘How To Give A Better Speech Than Obama and change your world’ I listened to it one last time. I placed the CD in my car stereo and within eight minutes I knew something wasn’t right. I felt the introduction was too long, but I knew the information was also very valuable. I believed that I had cut as much as I could. There was a moment when I thought about not releasing the book in its present form. Then I had the idea that actually made the book flow better.

I decided to take the piece about a major Obama inspiration and see where else it could fit. This took me another five hours to change. However, it was worth it, and I am glad that my instinct proved right. I am often asked if I am happy with the book. I always respond by saying, “I’m as happy as I can be. “ If Obama questions his own words and cringes sometimes at his own oratory, who am I to feel satisfied with mine. My greatest joy from the book comes when people send me messages from the USA, Australia, New Zealand, around the UK and other countries to say that they learned something valuable and enjoyed the process. That feeling washes away my inner critic.

Tomorrow, I will share with you the number one lesson you will take from the book.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Monday, 19 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (A Lesson for Lawyers) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 28


When I wanted to seek an opinion of ‘How To Give A Better Speech Than Obama and change your world’ there was one person I had to contact. I didn’t know this man, but I had read about his work.

The Washingtonian magazine's list of "Washington's Best Lawyers" ranked Bob Barnett at number one, and The National Law Journal called him one of the "The 100 Most Influential Lawyers in America."

According to the website of Williams and Connolly, Bob represents major corporations in litigation matters, corporate work, contracts, crisis management, transactions, government relations, and media relations. He has worked for McDonald's Corporation, General Electric, Toyota, Deutsche Bank, Revlon and many others.

Bob’s clients have included Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Shania Twain, Barbra Streisand, Queen Noor of Jordan, The Prince of Wales, Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan, and many others, including journalists, novelists, business leaders, sports stars, politicians, and others. His expertise in the field of litigation and communication is first class. Bob played a major role on the U.S. presidential debate preparation teams in 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 2000, 2004 and 2008. He joined Williams & Connolly LLP in 1975 and has been a partner since 1978.

When I decided to contact Bob, I did not expect a reply within five hours. I suppose I expected a response from his secretary saying he wasn’t interested in my work or no response at all. After Bob and I’s exchange of words I started to think about the legal profession.

If one of the world’s most successful lawyers could engage someone they didn't know, doesn’t it offer a lesson to all people in the legal profession? Competition is global, thanks to the revolution in technology. The loss of manufacturing overseas has devastated parts of the UK, but aspects of the services industry are easier to move overseas. Many services can be transferred worldwide with the press of a button. It’s perhaps arrogance and ignorance to expect clients will not seek the best services elsewhere. How will law firms combat the competition from within the UK and abroad? They must understand what Bob understands. The requirements to work for Bob’s firm Williams and Connolly are

• outstanding academic records
• a high degree of intellect
• initiative
• creativity
• excellent interpersonal skills

The first four skills put you on the playing field, but the last requirement drives your success. As Bob knows, interpersonal communication is the key.

Tomorrow, I will tell you about the car journey that halted the books completion.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Sunday, 18 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (A Lesson for Fundraisers) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 27


These are tough times for charities. They have to work harder to receive every donation and communicate more effectively why their cause is more deserving than another. Do you work for a charity? Perhaps a lesson from Obama can inspire you to step up your ability to raise the money necessary to fund the great cause you serve. There are two points I would like to cover.

Motivation and Communication

1. Motivation

When Obama ran for the Senate, he competed against a candidate with more money, more prestige and better support. Did he sit by the phone and hope for good luck, or did he climb the steep and unforgiving path to success? In 'The Audacity of Hope', he wrote about the countless unreturned phone calls, the gentle rejections, the harsh rejections and the sight of his opponent spending small fortunes on his campaign. However, he accepted the heat of the challenge and picked up the phone, asked for donations and overcame the fears and hurts of rejection. Obama’s lesson for fundraisers here is that many people will give if you just get to work and find them.

2. Communication.

As you can imagine, my research for the book has been exhaustive. I started with a study of Obama’s speeches, and then I read his books and articles written about him. I also decided to look closer at the Obama election and re-election campaigns. Here is a fundraising lesson from Obama’s Deputy Campaign Manager, Julianna Smoot.
In a recent email to me, Julianna wrote more about me than Obama. It is an interesting lesson for fundraisers. Do you speak only about you and your cause, or do you invite your potential donor to see your world through their senses? Let us look at the words Julianna used to personalise her very short message.

You - 10 times
You’d - twice
Your - four times
You’ve - once
You’ll - once

As I always say, communication is everything.

On Monday, I will reveal my conversation with Obama’s agent, one of the USA’s Top 100 Lawyers and what people in the legal profession can learn from him.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square,Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Saturday, 17 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (A Lesson for Accountants) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 26


Some people say that facts and figures speak for themselves, but is that really true? Doesn’t the philosophy fail to take into account that we are emotional creatures who think mainly in pictures? Shouldn’t facts and figures be communicated with personal and relatable pictures to be effectively received and understood?

Obama is a legal man by trade, but he understands how complex numbers can ruin communication. Let us take a look at his ‘New Energy for America’ speech in 2008. He spoke about the cost of creating new energy when he said, “To do this, we will invest $150 billion over the next ten years and leverage billions more in private capital to build a new energy economy that harnesses American energy and creates five million new American jobs.”

Here Obama mentioned the sum of money required, but he made the figure relevant by describing the number of new jobs it would create. The average person cannot comprehend $150 billion, but they do understand 5 million jobs because that affects them. So when you take your facts and figures, you must show how they relate to the person you are talking to.

You could argue that he could have made the figure, 5 million people more relatable too. He could have said, that’s enough people to fill the Washington Redskins, FedEx stadium over 60 times. Or if he was a British leader, he could have said that five million people are enough to fill Wembley stadium 50 times over. (Wembley is Europe's second biggest football stadium and can accommodate just over 100,000 people).

Let us look at how you can make a statistic more relevant. If I said 85% of people love eating fatty foods that may mean nothing to you. However, what if I added that it leads to one in four illnesses and will most likely affect someone in your family or circle of friends? How does that make you feel about the statistic now? Is it more relevant?

The problem with accountancy is that there are too many numbers whizzing around for anybody to bother how to communicate those numbers. There is an art to this, and accountants must adopt the Steve Jobs philosophy of cross pollination. They must step outside their profession and learn new and more effective ways to communicate with their customers. Some people still think rapport and being interesting are tools of entertainment only. If they maintain this philosophy, they will find themselves lagging behind a new breed of accountants who understand that style facilitates substance.

Accountants must realise that as Obama knows, the facts and figures don’t speak for themselves.

On Sunday, I will reveal what Fundraisers can learn from Obama.

On Monday, I will reveal my conversation with Obama’s agent, one of the USA’s Top 100 Lawyers and what people in the legal profession can learn from him.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Thursday, 15 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (A Lesson in Customer Service) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 25


When I was researching my iTunes bestselling book ‘Love Your Customer Grow Your Business', I completed a study of 100 people to gauge their reaction to the customer service ethos of companies in the UK, USA, Ireland and Australia. I took price out of the question, and I asked them what issues upset them most. These are the results which featured in the book.

Business to Business

1. The broken promise.
2. Lateness.
3. Poor product or service knowledge.
4. Untruths about capabilities.
5. Poor communication.
6. Arrogance.
7. Failure to accept responsibility to rectify mistakes.

Business to Customer

1. Treating a customer as an inconvenience.
2. A Returns Policy that treats a regular customer like a criminal.
3. The closed checkout.
4. Offering personal negativity in conversations with a customer.
5. The broken promise.
6. Unhelpful attitude.
7. Poor product or service knowledge.

Many people are frustrated about the poor state of customer service today. It is like they have resigned themselves to a life where customer service means rudeness, recklessness and lack of concern. The guilty companies always wonder why their business shrinks, and they fail to understand what they have done wrong. The answer lies in their inability to communicate effectively on a logical and emotional level with their customers.

Obama certainly understands people’s emotional needs, and why they feel the way they do. We can learn from his ability to connect with other people. From his days in Chicago when he spoke to an audience of one person, to his speeches of today, he has always maintained decorum, respect and endearment for his audience. Obama has a mind-set that says the connection will always be the same quality no matter how big or small the audience is. Why is that? There are three reasons.

1 He knows that no matter how famous he is, there will always be somebody hearing him for the first time.

2 He knows that one poor performance can destroy his reputation for consistency.

3 He genuinely cares.

Obama's character does not allow negative aspects of any day to affect his performance because his audience always comes first. He knows that you cannot please everybody but he knows that you have no chance of success if you won’t even try?

The questions for all people in business today are these.

1. Do you open your business every day with your customers' concerns first?

2. Do you take them into a world of excellent customer service or dump your negative experiences on them?

3. Do you make them feel special?

Tomorrow, I will reveal what Accountants can learn from Obama.

On Sunday, I will reveal what Fundraisers can learn from Obama.

On Monday, I will reveal my conversation with Obama’s agent, one of the USA’s Top 100 Lawyers and what people in the legal profession can learn from him.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (A Lesson for Leaders) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 24

Hi Everyone,

There was a time when leaders could make thoughtless remarks and avoid the consequences, but those days are long gone. We live in a world of social media where words can be transferred around the world in a second. Words said to shareholders can be read by customers seconds later. Words said in one media can be dissected and interpreted differently in another media. Never before has the need for leaders to communicate authentically been greater.

Some leaders hide because of this fear and do themselves more damage. Because of social media and a more engaged society every leader has become a broadcaster. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Lee Iacocca, Irene Rosenfield ( Kraft Foods),Indra Nooyi ( Pepsi) and Andrea Jung (Avon Products) are just some of the leaders who understood this early in their careers. Even Mark Zuckerburg from Facebook is currently transforming himself from a computer geek to a media darling. Why is he doing this? He knows that customers do not want a faceless corporation with a slick marketing campaign. They demand to know the soul of the organisation they are dealing with. Would you rather see a press release from Facebook about privacy settings or see Mark Zuckerburg look you in the eyes and explain his vision?

When I researched my Obama book, I called 50 people from states that supported Obama in the last election and 50 people from states that didn’t. I did this to gauge an opinion of the man I believed was authentic. The response was overwhelming. While many disagreed with his policies, no one doubted his integrity. It was this reason that propelled me to use Obama as my guide to help people connect with other people.

Has Obama made mistakes? Yes. He has made many. In 2005, he was featured in The Wall Street Journal under the title, ‘Conceit of Government’. Ronald Reagan’s former speech writer, Peggy Noonan accused Obama of comparing himself to the great Abraham Lincoln. This stemmed from an article Obama gave to Time magazine in which he did compare his own struggles to those of the United States 16th President. Even Obama in his book, The Audacity of Hope said the criticism was “not entirely undeserved.” In the acknowledgements section of the book, Obama wrote about how easy it is to stray from your own voice and slip into the jargon no one understands. This proves that even when you are being authentic; your communication skills may make you look and sound anything but authentic. That is not good for you or your business.

If Obama understands this, why don’t many leaders get it too? Maybe they just haven't met the right coach! This book takes you inside the art of communication that is authentic and consistent. If you give the book your time and energy, I believe it will repay you thousands of times over in your career. I say that because I believe we know that communication is everything in business and in life!

Tomorrow, I will reveal the number one trait that customer service people can learn from Obama.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!
Audio Version only.
Text version in January 2012.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square,Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (A Lesson for Salespeople) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 23


Every salesperson must learn to discipline their disappointments. If you are in sales, you will have heard the word "no" far more often than "yes." It is simply impossible for everyone to love and respect your work. Approximately, 450 million people worldwide have bought a Harry Potter book. Does J.K. Rowling fret over the rest of the world's 7 billion plus population? Obama won 52.9% of the vote in the Presidential election in 2008. He accepts that you cannot get every vote.

One of the greatest ways to deal with disappointments and rejections is to develop a sense of humour. There is no point beating yourself up over past failures and rejections. If you do, you inadvertently take those negative experiences into every human interaction you have. That is not good for you or your business. From the moment Obama wakes up every morning, he faces criticisms, rejections of his plans, reminders of his previous words, divisions in his party and so much more. It is like he has to drive every day with the handbrake on.

However, Obama understands the need to smile, laugh and look at the bigger picture. In his 'Take Back America' speech in 2006, he told his audience that when he first got involved in politics, people would laugh at his name. They would call him "Alabama" and "Yo Mama." He regularly uses self-deprecation to belittle himself as the weaker parent in the Obama family. You must look for the humour in your life. It is one of your best friends when dealing with the stresses of chasing targets and servicing customers. You will always sell more when you are in a positive and cheerful mood. If humour works for Obama,it can work for you too. I discuss how you can develop your natural humour in the book.

Tomorrow, I will reveal the number one trait that leaders must learn from Obama.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square,Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (A Lesson for Marketers) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 22


I mentioned in a previous blog that speech writers only use a speaker’s words to write a speech. They never try to put words into a speaker’s mouth because it never works. It makes the speaker look and sound false and uncomfortable. Obama has a very engaging style, and much of this is achieved through the clarity and simplicity of his words.

Let us look at the words Obama used in 2004 when he spoke at the Democratic National Convention. He used words like “opportunity, dreams, generous, genius and precious.” Would you agree that these words are simple but very powerful? Great marketers study great speeches, so they can easily see the words that connect with people on both a logical and emotional level. Great speech writers also study great marketers!
Simple and powerful words can be transformed to an even higher power through various techniques, including repetition and alliteration. Obama loves to inject alliteration into his speeches just like John F. Kennedy did. Alliteration, or words that start with similar sounds, give bounce and colour to any speech. An example of alliteration is “don’t play politics with poverty.” Another example is “Shall we share a society of hope?” George W. Bush had his moments when he rewrote the dictionary, but his powerful and simple words after 9/11 lifted the spirit and resolve of the American people. He said, “These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.” In the book, I analyse the power of repetition, which includes a study of Martin Luther King’s, 'I have a dream speech'. I also show you other techniques to turbo charge your words for any speech you may give.

Simplicity is often derided, but it is essential to create rapport and understanding with any audience. Steve Jobs understood this when he created the iPod, iPhone and iPad. He also understood this when he presented and marketed every Apple product. Obama is now marketing himself for another term in the White House. There may be no "i" in "Yes We Can," but the same marketing philosophies for selling an Apple product will be used to sell a President in 2012.

Tomorrow, I will reveal what sales people can learn from Obama.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Monday, 12 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Churchill's lesson for modern speakers) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 21


When I am asked who was Britain’s greatest ever speaker; I reply with the name, Winston Churchill. Before I explain why, let us look at the average speech given by a busy executive or politician. Many executives or politicians feel stressed before they give a speech. They may be nervous, have other work on their minds or they may be ill prepared. Many of them fail to put enough importance into their speech, and in doing so, lose their audience’s trust, support and understanding. It’s never good for them or for their business or the people they serve.

Was Churchill born a great speaker? The answer is no. Churchill’s early speeches were weak and unstructured, but he quickly learned from the greatest ever leaders. He discovered that Abraham Lincoln memorised Shakespeare and the King James version of the bible. Lincoln studied these works to discover words that were both majestic and easily understood. Churchill did the same, and he added colour by improving his vocal delivery. It was his Irish American friend Bourke Cochran, who taught him how to use his voice like a musical instrument.

Many speakers fail to understand the brilliance of Churchill’s words. They claim his rhetoric was too dramatic and poetic. They sadly miss the greatest lesson from Churchill’s speeches. His majestic words matched the mood and mentality of a nation that craved hope because hope was all it really had. Churchill turned hope into possibility and possibility into victory. He never hid the danger Britain was in during World War 2, but he used the danger to inspire togetherness and a backs to the wall victory. Churchill was a magical speaker because his words were free from the synthetics of many off-the-shelf speeches. The former Bricklayer, Painter and Nobel Prize-winning author understood that a great speech required careful construction and attention to detail in both its colour and its words. Speakers of today should learn from his words, and adapt his techniques for a modern audience.

The Churchill speeches of May and June 1940 will never be forgotten. Even listening to them today puts the greatest motivational speakers in the bottom half of the speakers’ league. Churchill’s speeches prove that his thoughts were far more precise, proactive and positive than many other leaders. Can Obama learn from Churchill? I promise to reveal that in the book.

Tomorrow, I will reveal what marketers can learn from Obama.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square,Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Sunday, 11 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Obama and Lionel Richie) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 20


I have been very lucky to have had the pleasure of interviewing some of the world’s biggest stars. One of the most down to earth stars I ever met was Lionel Richie. His enthusiasm, concern for other people and love of his profession was evident in every word he spoke. I was intrigued about a line from his worldwide hit 'Hello', and I asked him how he wrote the words “I’ve been alone with you inside my mind.” Richie's response was an honest “I don’t know. It just happened.” When I created the chapters’ layout for my Obama book, it just happened too.

As I planned my book, I stared at the name Obama on my computer screen. The O was the biggest letter, and two words popped into my mind. Orange because it is my favourite fruit and Organisation because I know it is fundamental to all success. Suddenly, every other letter in Obama linked to what I was about to write. This is the Chapter 1-5 list.

O is for organisation to cover planning, research, writing, arrangement of words, storytelling and more.

B is for Body language. This includes confidence, movement, the effects of the body on vocal delivery and more.

A is for Accuracy of information so you appear credible and trustworthy. This includes checking the facts and avoiding any confusion.

M is for Memorable so people will never forget your message. This covers adding some glitter to your speech, including the ways you can use humour and other ways to create an unbreakable bond with your audience. It also includes the art of message reinforcement and more.

A is for Action because your words should inspire, motivate or lead people to improve themselves and the world.

My goal was to make the art of speaking in public as enjoyable and interesting as possible. Like a Lionel Richie hit song, I wanted it to be simple yet powerful. Next time you have to deliver a speech, you just have to think about the Obama guide to create a successful connection with your audience.

Tomorrow, I will reveal my favourite British speaker of all time.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Saturday, 10 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Rory Mcllroy and Barry White) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 19


Please allow me to explain why I used the phrase “and change your world” in the title of the book. The world changes for the better when a person's words inspires and motivates other people to do great things. Our words can have a powerful and positive impact in our social, personal and business lives. I would like to share with you three moments where words created a positive ripple effect in the world.

In April, 2001, a young golfer from called Rory Mcllroy lost the Masters on the final day. His dejection turned to hope after a conversation with the legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus. Nicklaus’s words of advice injected calmness and confidence into the mind and heart of the future champion. When Nicklaus told Mcllroy, “I’m expecting big things of you” he knew at that moment he was helping create a golf hero. In June 2011, the young golfer won the US Open. Nicklaus’s words helped Mcllroy unleash a determination to create a victory that brought happiness to golf fans around the world.

In 1960, a young gang leader sat in his Los Angeles prison cell pondering his future. He heard a song on the warden’s radio and it changed his life in a moment. When Elvis Presley sung ‘It’s Now Or Never’ a young Barry White let the words of the King of music pierce his heart. White decided that it was time to fulfil his true destiny and let his music bring joy to the world.

When I heard Barack Obama’s speech 'Yes We Can', I was moved to write my iTunes No.1 book, ‘The World’s Greatest Sales Lesson’. The speech turned despair into hope and anger into peace. It created the template for success through skill and consistency. I still receive messages from people worldwide who tell me how it changed their lives in business and in social occasions. I am pleased, but I wonder if I would have written it, had I not heard Obama’s speech.

So when I say ‘and change your world’, I hope you can use your words to get that job you want, achieve that promotion you crave , promote that charity you love or motivate and lead people to achieve things they never thought were possible.

Tomorrow, I will reveal the moment I decided to use the letters of Obama to create the chapters in the book.

On Monday, I will reveal my favourite British speaker of all time.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square,Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Friday, 9 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (US Vice President emails me) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 18


When I opened my emails last week, I noticed a message from Joe Biden. I wondered if it really was the US Vice President emailing me. My mind flashed with a few possibilities. I wondered if he had heard the audio version of my Obama book or if he had a read a preview edition of the text version. I wondered if he liked or disliked the book.

The email, started with a pleasant hello and an eye catching statement. Joe said, “I need to ask you something.” As I continued to read, I knew that Joe really needed my help and that he valued my opinion and expertise. He urged me to stop doing what I was doing and to support the 2012 campaign.

Then I noticed the number one word on Joe’s mind. It started with a D and it wasn’t Darren. Joe wanted me to donate to the cause. He told me that Barack Obama and he were just two guys, and I had all the power to decide the election. Joe told me that donating was incredible if I decided to do it. I thought it couldn't be any more incredible than his online marketing.

Then he kindly gave me an online link to donate. My book is a book on public speaking and not on political allegiance so I emailed Joe my response. I also praised the smiles he has given the world with his legendary bloopers. He will see them in the text version of the book. Joe is the man who once called JOBS a three letter word and renamed his President as Barack America. Many of his other bloopers will certainly put a smile on your face.

Tomorrow, I will reveal why I featured the phrase ‘and change your world’ in the title.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square,Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Thursday, 8 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Steve Jobs- Apple) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 17


I would like to share an insight into the talent of the sadly departed Apple founder Steve Jobs. He was a great speaker and presenter for many reasons. Please let me explain one of those reasons.

Jobs always looked natural and comfortable on stage because he practiced for many hours. An average speaker or presenter is either unskilled or wings it, but Jobs rehearsed to win it. He had charisma, but he also had polish. Like Obama, he learned these skills because he knew that nobody is born with this talent. Jobs was primarily concerned with how his customers processed and remembered his information because this was the necessary skill required to excite them and lead them to action. This attention to detail required planning and rehearsal. Like his friend, Ross Perot, Jobs adopted Winston Churchill’s attitude that preparation pays off.

On 1 March 1955, the year that Jobs was born, Winston Churchill gave his last speech to the British Parliament. His private secretary, Grace Hamblin said that Churchill, in his 81st year, spent 20 hours preparing the speech. Churchill chose his words, anticipated reactions, and created a message that resonated. Churchill understood that success requires passion and preparation, and never happens by accident. Jobs adopted the same philosophy and Obama lives by this rule too.

Tomorrow, I will share with you the email I received from the White House, signed by US Vice President Joe Biden.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Obama's Media Relations Skills) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 16

In today’s business world, leaders face fierce scrutiny for every big decision they make. Sometimes they have to defend themselves against a trial by media. In February 2011, Obama sat opposite America’s toughest News Anchor, Bill O’Reilly and gave a lesson to CEO’s on how to conduct an interview about serious issues while under pressure. The Irish American News Anchor is the most popular star on FOX News TV in the USA. You could forgive Obama for shying away, but he received the plaudits for handling the interview with grace, intelligence and controlled emotion. Obama gave a lesson in how to handle a direct and provocative approach from an argumentative Anchor.

O Reilly started off with a thank you to the President for the Government's protection of some journalists in Cairo. The niceties ended quickly, and O’Reilly launched into a series of statements, posed as questions, regarding President Mubarak in Egypt. The aim of this style of interview was to force Obama to accept O'Reilly's views as fact and to try to override his time to think clearly and cleverly. Obama was too intelligent for that, and he managed to frame his answers to suit his opinions and not O’Reilly’s opinions. Obama called the Anchor "Bill" despite O’Reilly having previously launched various attacks on Obama's performance as US President. In doing this, Obama demonstrated an ability to dismiss previous verbal bashings so he could concentrate on creating a connection to disarm O’Reilly.
O Reilly continued to challenge Obama this way, with questions about healthcare reform, but he failed to cut through Obama’s calm. O'Reilly upped the ante by trying to have the last word, and he refused to allow Obama to finish his answers. Obama remained in control, and his body language was comfortable whereas O’Reilly’s body language was tense throughout the interview because he failed to puncture Obama's cocoon of composure.

Obama won against a bullish O'Reilly because he didn’t allow the Anchor’s energy and style of questioning to dictate his thoughts. He was confident, he communicated with clarity, and he displayed a respect for O’Reilly that was not returned. Obama looked and sounded like a great leader should.

Tomorrow, I will reveal the lesson that great speakers must learn from Steve Jobs career.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (JFK and Super Confidence) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 15


I would like to share two of the many heart-stopping moments I had when I wrote the book. My research took me to places I never imagined. The first was the discovery that JFK was given the last rights in 1947, 1951 and 1954. He kept his illnesses a secret because he didn’t want pity from anyone. It is said that these events caused him to appreciate life more than most. JFK embraced every day like it was his last. He connected and communicated with people on an almost spirit to spirit level. This ethos helped him understand the need for honesty after the Bay of Pigs fiasco. His speech led to a jump in the polls for his presidency. Communication with other human beings is one the greatest gifts we have. I’m not talking about a text or an email or a Facebook posting. I’m talking about a face-to-face connection. I believe no virtual connection will ever replace that. Obama shares many traits and skills with JFK, and I hope you enjoy discovering them in the book.

Another heart-stopping moment was my discovery that great speakers really do understand that super confidence is the key to everything. Please don’t confuse confidence with arrogance. I’m talking about a confidence that allows a person to be humble, respectful, grateful and generous. Confidence is a bit like love. The more you have, the more you can give away. Great leaders and great team players have super confidence. Nelson Mandela is an excellent example of this. That is why I feature his, 'I am the first accused' speech from the dock in 1964 and his inaugural speech 30 years later. I also discuss how you can build your confidence in the book.

Tomorrow, I will offer an Obama, Media Relations lesson for Leaders everywhere.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Monday, 5 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (The Irish Influence) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 14


Daniel O'Connell was an Irish nationalist leader of the early nineteenth century. O'Connell Street, Dublin's main thoroughfare was named after him in 1924. O’Connell’s statue stands at the lower end of the street, facing the River Liffey. He was born in 1775 in County Kerry and was elected to the British parliament in 1828. O'Connell refused to take the Oath of Allegiance to the English crown and with the backing of 6 million followers, he won the right for Catholics to vote in 1829.

In 1845, he befriended an African-American slave called Frederick Douglass. Douglass, concerned that his former American owners might try to seek to recover him as their property travelled to Ireland where, slavery was illegal. His reception in Ireland brought him great happiness. He said, “I gaze around in vain for one who will question my equal humanity, claim me as his slave, or offer me an insult. I employ a cab - I am seated beside white people - I reach the hotel - I enter the same door - I am shown into the same parlour - I dine at the same table - and no one is offended... When I go to church, I am met by no upturned nose and scornful lip to tell me.”

Douglass was greatly influenced by O’Connell’s beliefs and his wonderful speaking skills. He said this of the Irishman, “His eloquence came down upon the vast assembly like a summer thunder-shower upon a dusty road. He could stir the multitude, at will, to a tempest of wrath, or reduce it to the silence with which a mother leaves the cradle side of her sleeping babe. Such tenderness – such pathos – such world-embracing love! ” Frederick Douglass is greatly admired by Obama and through his study of Douglass, Obama discovered O’Connell. Obama has acknowledged the inspiration O’Connell offered him, and he has highlighted how O'Connell's example that change can come from discussion is a lesson for everyone.

The Irishman’s belief in non-violent passive resistance also provided the template for change that inspired Gandhi and Martin Luther King.

Tomorrow, I will tell you about some heart-stopping moments I had when I wrote the book.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square,Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Sunday, 4 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Your Body Language) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 13


‘How To Give a Better Speech Than Obama and change your world’ is divided into seven chapters.

A Note from Darren
Chapter 1. Organisation
Chapter 2. Body Language
Chapter 3. Accuracy (of information)
Chapter 4. Memorable
Chapter 5. Action (includes Obama and me)
Chapter 6. Better Than Obama
Chapter 7. Hidden Bonus (available in the text version)

If you asked me what the most important chapter in the book is, I would say Chapter 2, Body Language. Why?

Can you please think about a great conversation you had recently with a friend? Try to remember their body language. Were they animated? How enthusiastic were they? How sincere was the exchange?

Dr. Albert Mehrabian said our communication is judged in three ways. He said 55 per cent of our communication is our body language; 38 per cent is how we say something, and 7 per cent is the words we use. So if we take the famous Dr’s advice, Chapter 2 is the most important chapter in the book.

When you think that Charlie Chaplain was funny without saying a word, it backs up Mehrabian’s studies that your expressions, gestures and movements are more important than your words.

On Monday, I will reveal the Irish man who inspired Obama to become a great speaker.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Saturday, 3 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (No room for Bill Clinton) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 12


It is a tragedy that Bill Clinton’s presidency was tainted by the Monica Lewinsky scandal. As a result, some people forget his good work as President and some diminish his current worldwide charity work. A friend of mine worked with Clinton and told me this story. My friend sat beside Clinton during a dinner for over thirty people in New York. When the main course was finished Clinton skipped dessert to greet each member of the delegation. He enquired about their well-being and the lives they lead. My friend told me that his team of delegates were impressed by Clinton's genuine concern. I asked my friend if it was a genuine concern or just a politician’s act. He said, “Darren, the bloke loves people, and he really cares.”

This book is a book on public speaking, and I can only judge Clinton on that. There is no doubting Clinton’s charisma and his ability to make people feel special. However, if your audience doubts your words, they will never take you truly to their hearts.

When Clinton answered allegations over the Lewinsky affair, he looked into the camera and denied anything happened. People believed him. When he later relied on the legal side of his statement to varnish over the truth, he lost the trust of everybody. It is sad that people will always wonder whether he will hide behind legal jargon or communicate with openness. That is why Clinton does not feature in the book.

Tomorrow, I will reveal the most important chapter in the book.

On Monday, I will reveal the Irish man who inspired Obama to become a great speaker.

PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Take care,


Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square,Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Friday, 2 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Betty Ford) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 11


A journalist asked me last week why I paid respect to two First Ladies in the book. Please let me refer to one of the ladies.

Betty Ford was the wife of Gerald Ford, who was US President after Richard Nixon resigned. She was articulate and clever and loved for her honesty. When Betty Ford told the world about her pain of breast cancer and her challenge of dealing with it, the world stopped to applaud, respect and support her. Her use of the words breast and cancer has undoubtedly saved many women’s lives around the world.

Breast cancer was considered a taboo subject and a terrible secret until brave Betty Ford told women it’s ok to cry and seek support. When she spoke about her diagnosis and treatment and the subsequent mastectomy, she offered women in pain a voice.

Years later Betty Ford told the world about her addiction to prescription pills and alcohol. Her husband Gerald quit drinking alcohol to support her, and the world offered her support too. She stepped up her fundraising efforts, and she used her own pain to create the non-profit Betty Ford Center in 1982 with Leonard Firestone. The Center is an Alcohol Addiction and Drug Addiction Treatment hospital located in California. The Center’s aim is to support people who suffer from the pain of addiction and to offer support for their despairing families.

Betty Ford showed the world that honesty and self-deprecation endear any speaker to any audience.

Tomorrow, I will reveal why Bill Clinton did not make it into the book.

On Sunday, I will reveal the most important chapter in the book.

On Monday, I will reveal the Irish man who inspired Obama to become a great speaker.

PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square,Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Thursday, 1 December 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (The Speech Writer) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 10


Behind every great speech is a great speech writer. Obama has Jon Favreau; JFK had Ted Sorenson, and the world’s most successful ever CEO; Jack Welch had Bill Lane. You may think that is cheating, but even Barry Manilow didn’t write the song 'I write the songs'.

Jon Favreau is the Director of Speechwriting for Obama. He worked for John Kerry’s Presidential campaign in 2004 and rose to the position of Deputy Speechwriter. He became friends with Obama, and Obama once referred to him as his “mind reader.” That is exactly what a great speech writer must be. Favreau understands Obama’s thoughts, and he conveys those thoughts in words that Obama normally speaks. Off-the-shelf speeches never work because they don’t represent the soul of the speech giver. Favreau’s work with Habitat for Humanity and other civic duties showed Obama that they shared a common bond and understanding of what makes a better community and a better world. Obama and Favreau make a terrific team.

Tomorrow, I will reveal why I wrote about the former First Lady, Betty Ford in this book.

PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - is available on iTunes and Amazon NOW!

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square,Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Recording the audio book) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 9


Please let me explain what it was like to record the audio version of the book. I will briefly describe the preparation and the execution of the project. This was the most enjoyable part of the process for me.

I adhered to three strict rules.

• Plenty of sleep the night before the recording
• No dairy products to avoid mucus build-up in the throat
• Plenty of blueberry tea on standby

I arrived at the studio at 11am so I could start recording at 12pm. I met my producer Cain to run through the order of the book. His job was to make sure all the sound levels were correct. He also read a copy of the book while I recorded it to make sure I didn’t miss anything. The studio is exactly like a studio you see when Take That or Michael Buble record their music.

I recorded my piece in a room that was separate from the control room that Cain sat in, and we communicated via a talk back system. The recording took three hours. This included breaks and pauses to listen back to the audio. The final edit of the book was one hour and 44 minutes long.

When I finished the recording, I left the book alone for a week so that when I heard it again, it was with a fresh set of ears. If I listened to it immediately after the recording, I knew I would have been too close to it to hear it as a listener would hear it. Then I had the task of choosing the music for the intro and outro for the book. This was not an easy task. I listened to around 700 pieces of 30 seconds music to find the one that set the mood for the book. For this book, I wanted a piece of music that had some bounce and presence but wasn’t too loud or overbearing.

When the book was finalised, I left it alone for another week, and then I listened to it on my iPod, on the CD player in my car and on my stereo at home.

A day after my final listen to the book, I finally called my publisher and said the words that feel strange to every author. I told him "It's done."

Tomorrow, I will take you inside the mind of Obama’s speech writer Jon Favreau.

Take care,

PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - will be available on iTunes and Amazon in December.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Obama's regrets - I'll be brief)) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 8


In the preface to the 2004 edition of Barack Obama’s book ‘Dreams From My Father’ he wrote about how he wished he had understood the art of brevity when he wrote the original version of the book. He admitted to poorly chosen words at times and badly created sentences. He also revealed that the book was 50 pages too long.

It’s refreshing to hear a legal expert admit to his mistakes in writing. I believe I have got the brevity bit right for the book, but I know that just like Obama, I will re-examine some sentences in years to come. I think it is only natural when you care about your work. Maybe I’m being too hard on myself just like Obama was!

Tomorrow, I will take you inside the studio and reveal what it's like to record the audio version of the book.

Take care,

PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - will be available on iTunes and Amazon in December.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square,Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Monday, 28 November 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Writing the Book - Joy and Pain) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 7


I was asked recently about the hardest aspect of writing this book. The best way to explain it is by guiding you through the process of writing it. The Aha moment about Obama’s skills turned into an enjoyable series of recollections and discoveries. It was all very exciting until I finished writing the book.

The hardest part was the editing process, when I had to decide what to leave out. These are just some of the questions I asked myself.

• Does one speech make a point that another has already made?
• Have I given too many examples to make my point?
• Can I make my point with fewer words?

I think this way because I know that people lead busy lives, and my job is to fit my work into those lives. The world is full of books that are bought but never read or read but the information is never used. This is because the books are too long, or because they offer too much irrelevant information. That is why the editing process of all my books takes as long as the writing of them.

Tomorrow, I will reveal Obama’s thoughts on the subject I have just discussed.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - will be available on iTunes and Amazon in December.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square,Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Sunday, 27 November 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Ronald Reagan) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 6


On January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger was launched with seven persons aboard.

The flight was launched at 11:38 a.m., but sadly, it exploded just 73 seconds later. The explosion killed all seven crew members.

President Ronald Reagan consoled the USA and the world with a remarkable speech from the Oval Office that evening. As Reagan prepared his speech, he realised that his words needed to provide condolence, gratitude, respect, comfort and strength. He recalled a time when the actor Tyrone Power recited a poem at a party he attended. The poem was called 'High Flight' and was written by a former pilot called John Magee. In his speech that evening, Reagan borrowed words from the poem including 'touch the face of God'.

I wrote about Reagan in the book for a few reasons, but please let me make one point here. Reagan's first thought was about what he needed to achieve in his speech. Once he knew that, he accessed every part of his memory to pull out the best words to support and comfort his audience. We all have moments in our lives that we can use as the perfect inspiration when we need it. Tyrone Power recited the poem to Reagan at the party because he loved it so much. Power was not just a hero on the big screen. He was a Marine pilot who served in the Pacific during World War 2. Reagan remembered Power's passion for the 'High Flight' poem, and he knew he had the perfect words when he spoke to the USA and the world in January, 1986.

In tomorrow's blog, I'd like to tell you the hardest thing I encountered when I wrote the book.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - will be available on iTunes and Amazon in December.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square,Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Saturday, 26 November 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Dad's Secret) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 5


It was March, 2006 when I discovered the secret my dad had hidden from me all my life. It was two weeks before he passed away from cancer, and he felt that the time had come for him to tell me about one of his struggles in life.

My dad's weight had dropped dramatically in the previous few weeks as his illness took a greater hold over him. Despite the pain and his physical transformation, his mind and spirit were as strong as ever. He put his teacup to rest on the kitchen table and he reached into the inside pocket of the jacket he was wearing. As my dad held a white envelope in my direction, I noticed a tear in each of his beautiful eyes. The tears were tears of pride.

My dad asked me to open the envelope immediately, and I obliged by tearing at the edges. The content of the letter completely startled me, but it also made me very proud. His words told me that when his own dad died, he developed a stammer that hurt his confidence to communicate. His words also told me about why he had to leave school before he was a teenager to earn money for his family. He admitted in the final paragraph that this was the first letter he had ever written because he had never learned to read and write until recently. It was only when he discovered that he had cancer that he decided to learn how to read and write. It was his final goal in life, and this private letter to me was his proof that he had succeeded.

My dad always seemed to be a very articulate person who was known to advise local politicians and business leaders in Dublin on how to communicate. He was a great people person and an amazing listener. He could take a difficult subject and simplify it. He could take a boring piece of information and make it interesting. He could take a tense situation and fill it with calmness. He could respond to injustice with reason. I looked into his eyes, and I asked him how he always knew so much. He said it was because he listened and asked questions all the time. He said it was because he listened to great minds and good people.

So why did my dad not ask for help with his reading and writing earlier? One answer is time and perhaps money, but maybe the real answer is the embarrassment he felt. Maybe he didn’t want to admit to those he loved that he had a problem, and it was easier to delegate all the paperwork he encountered.

There are many people with a similar problem to what my dad had. They may be able to read and write, but they suffer from a verbal communication problem. Their confidence and skill to communicate constantly hold them back. They lose out on promotions. They fail to promote their business, or they work ineffectively in teams because of their poor communication skills. They may have amazing business skills, but they fear presenting or speaking in public. They may have a valid point to make at a meeting but poor confidence glues them to their seat. They may be the best person for a promotion, but they slip and stumble in the heat of an interview. Not everybody is willing to admit they have a problem. 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' was written and recorded with these people in mind.

This is the fuel that drove my passion to write this book and the fuel that energised me during the rewriting stage. I see people suffer in a similar way to my dad, and I want to help them. That is why I devote my life to helping people in business all over the world to improve their speeches, presentations, customer service and sales skills. That is why my dad gets a special mention in the book.

Tomorrow, I promise to reveal a Ronald Reagan secret. It will help you develop a trait that Reagan used to gain the title, ‘The Great Communicator'.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - will be available on iTunes and Amazon in December.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Friday, 25 November 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (My favourite speaker apart from Dad) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 4


At the very end of the book, I pay tribute to my favourite speaker of all time. I explain why I rate the person so highly, and I justify their talent. If I told you the person's name it may ruin the end of the book.

My second favourite speaker of all time gets a mention too. My Dad advised politicians and leaders on how to relate to the average person. He saw how bright they were as people but also how frustrated they felt when it came to connecting with people. My Dad would always say that the meaning of any communication is the genuine response it achieves. He would also say that it's not what you say that's important. It's what's understood, accepted and acted upon that is important? My Dad had a way of saying something in a few words that took other people a lot longer.

However, my Dad kept a communication secret from me and others that he did not reveal to anybody until two weeks before he passed away in 2006. I will blog again tomorrow and tell you the full story of his communication secret.

Take care,


PS: PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - will be available on iTunes and Amazon in December.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY

Thursday, 24 November 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Who could Obama learn from?) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 3


This is how I planned to help you give a better speech than Obama.I decided to go beneath the skin and soul of Obama's skills to show you how he creates and delivers his great speeches. To take you past Obama, I decided to offer the same insight into the speakers whom even Obama could learn from. Those speakers are Ronald Reagan, Martin Luther King, Benazir Bhutto, JFK, Winston Churchill, Ireland's greatest speaker, Daniel O'Connell and more.

I also pay tribute to my two favourite speakers of all time. I will reveal one of those speakers tomorrow. I promise!

Take care,


PS: PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - will be available on iTunes and Amazon in December.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Why I wrote the book) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog - Day 2


I was sitting in a cafe with two of my best friends when one of them asked me about my biggest fear. I found it hard to whittle my biggest fears down to one but my friend could easily identify his. He told me he was petrified at the thought of speaking in public. He knew it held him back in his job and strangled his confidence, but he just couldn't master it.

When I told him that anyone can do it, he disagreed. I decided to prove to my friends that great communicators are not born that way. I decided to show them a process of great speaking, as if they had one of the worlds greatest speakers beside them. They laughed when I mentioned Barack Obama but that just made me want to encourage them to learn even more.

So here is the books' layout. I have divided the letters of Obama to make it easy for them and you to remember.

O is for Organisation.
B is for Body Language.
A is for Accuracy of information.
M is for how to be Memorable.
A is for moving people to Action.

Are you thinking " But how can you make them better than Obama?" I promise to answer that question tomorrow.

Take care,


PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - will be available on iTunes and Amazon in December.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world - (Intro) by Darren Kelly, Kellcomm, Blog- Day 1


My latest book 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' will be released in December. I plan to write a blog for the next thirty days to explain why and how I wrote the book.

I will also reveal why I decided to write some very personal things in the book and how I discovered the secrets of Obama's masterful way of communicating. I hope you like it. I will cover my reasons for writing the book tomorrow.

Take care,


PS: PS: 'HOW TO GIVE A BETTER SPEECH THAN OBAMA and change your world' - will be available on iTunes and Amazon in December.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY

Saturday, 17 September 2011

SECRETS OF A RICH MONEY MIND - Darren Kelly - Kellcomm

Can I say a deep and thoughtful thank you to everybody who bought Secrets of a Rich Money Mind. I know that just because I spend hundreds of hours putting my thoughts on paper it doesn't entitle me to success.

When I was told the book reached number 60 on the iTunes chart in the USA, I had to take a deep breath. The countrys population is over 300 million, and I know I am only a newbie to them.

The book is a journey through success from a spiritual, financial and emotional level.

My greatest wish is for you to take one golden nugget and use it to create or strengthen your own version of success.

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Bestselling Author Darren Kelly puts you on the expressway to real success. Kelly explodes the myth that riches are for the privileged and shows how you can create success that is emotionally, spiritually and financially rewarding. You will discover 60 Eureka moments from people who understand what being rich and happy is all about. Each person earns between £100,000 and £5 million a year. With this remarkable and inspiring book, you can gain control of your financial future through the skill of your own RICH MONEY MIND.
Kelly also includes for the very first time in audio, his highly acclaimed stories, THE RICH MAN AND THE PENNY and WHAT HAPPENED TO THE POOR MAN? Kelly deliberately integrates all the fundamentals of inner and outer success – making this book great value to any individual or organisation.

Release Sept 2011

Kellcomm, Princes Exchange,Princes Square,Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


A Note from Darren
(taken from the upcoming release, SECRETS OF A RICH MONEY MIND)

Welcome to SECRETS OF A RICH MONEY MIND. My fellow Irishman, the literary critic and socialist spokesperson of the 20th century, George Bernard Shaw once wrote that it is “the duty of every person to be rich.” This may sound strange coming from a Nobel Prize winner, who refused to accept the prize money on offer. When Shaw used the word ‘rich’, I believe that he was using the word in relation to spiritual, intellectual and financial mastery. He was saying that true happiness and prosperity only come after you achieve success in these three areas. Shaw was stressing that life does not offer us a choice to improve ourselves when it suits us, but presents us with a duty to continually improve ourselves for the advancement of society and self.

Shaw’s dad was an alcoholic who couldn’t afford to pay for his son’s university education. The self-taught Shaw wrote five novels which were all failures, but he believed in the law of sowing and reaping and he eventually secured a job writing for a newspaper. His later writing success included creating the famous character Eliza Doolittle, played by Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady. Shaw encouraged personal responsibility and he refused to believe that luck was an ingredient for success. John F. Kennedy famously quoted Shaw on a visit to Ireland. He said “You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'” It was obvious that Shaw understood the Secrets of a Rich Money Mind.

A Rich Money Mind begins with rich thoughts, and those rich thoughts can help you attract all the happiness and prosperity you want. When those rich thoughts and prosperity are mixed with love, charity, respect and honour you develop what is truly a Rich Money Mind.

I wrote SECRETS OF A RICH MONEY MIND for three reasons. The first reason was to help you become more alert and receptive to the wonderful opportunities that exist for the fulfilment of your biggest dreams. Please remember that just because you may not see a more prosperous future right now does not mean you cannot achieve one. I urge you to suspend thinking about your past failures, hurts, negative thoughts, disappointments and fears and to understand that your senses will be positively opened through the power of this book.
The second reason I wrote this book was to help you swap weak excuses for powerful expectations, and help make your journey to success one of satisfaction instead of what may seem either a painful sacrifice or one of unrelenting boredom. Haven’t we all have met people who gain success in their careers but are deeply troubled and sad in their personal lives? Haven’t we all met other people who are extremely happy in their personal lives but feel unfulfilled in their careers? Many of these people lack contentment because they have not discovered the Secrets of a Rich Money Mind.

The third reason for my writing is to dispel the myth that money solves all problems. Some people dream of a lotto win to solve their most pressing issues. When their numbers come up, they embark on a spending spree that gives them even greater problems. Their main issue was never a lack of money, but a failure to develop the financial intelligence of a Rich Money Mind.

This book offers you exclusive access to the minds of 60 very successful people who I respect and admire and whose friendships I cherish. Each one earns between £100,000 and £5 million a year. They come from different faiths and four of them are non-believers. What they do have in common is that they donate 10% of their income to charity. They also share a deep belief that they have a duty to make this world a better place. They are exceptional people and I am proud to feature them in this book. Their enlightening and uplifting stories will serve you well as a guide in many situations in your life. Their wishes and mine are that you share the wisdom in this book with everybody you meet.

Some people believe it is rude to talk about prosperity. This attitude causes many problems in their communication and their success. They utter words of condemnation about adverse interest rates, gas bills, direct debits, car and home insurance premiums and sports stars salaries, but they never have a good word to say about the joy of earning money or the good it can do. They find themselves trapped between the critical ‘root of all evil’ line of thought and the necessary evil one that says ‘money makes the world go round.’ Wouldn’t you agree that it is very hard to attract anything into your life if your relationship with it is predominantly negative? The same is true with money.

Some people have developed a habit of believing that all rich people are superficial and lack the spirituality to live a fulfilling life. This is just not so. I know a woman who worked hard to set up a business that produces a turnover of around £20 million each year. She drives a big car and lives in a beautiful house on four acres of land. Some people begrudge her this lifestyle. It is a pity that they fail to acknowledge that she employs 80 people, she gives frequently to local charities, and she supports local education causes. Her passion and ethics inspire young women in her community to believe that they too can achieve their own versions of success.
Money has never received the accolades it deserves because too often it’s associated with some form of criminal act, intentional deceit or individual arrogance. Money can never create ultimate happiness, but it does pay for weddings, nurseries, children’s clothes, houses, holidays, gas bills, school trips, petrol and many other things. Even departing from this world as you wish requires the help of money.

Secrets of a Rich Money Mind is designed to help you attract and retain money for your security and positive dreams. It includes daily Rich Money Mind Insights to turbo-charge your life and help you gain personal and business success consistently. It will provide you with the tools to create a positive, wealthy and creative mind-set which should be at the core of your success. I have interviewed, met with and personally coached millionaires of all backgrounds and creeds. Get ready to embark on a journey into the deepest thoughts of some of the greatest minds I have been privileged to teach and learn from.

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts

Friday, 10 June 2011

The World's Greatest Sales Lesson - Darren Kelly (Kellcomm)

Yes You Can ( from the iTunes No. 1 Bestselling book 'The World's Greatest Sales Lesson').

This book, while steeped in business and personal development, owes its original inspiration to a speech made in the USA on 8 January, 2008. Barack Obama had just conceded defeat to Senator Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire Primary. His emotive words sounded like they belonged in a victory speech, and on closer examination, I discovered the ingredients of thought that helped rejuvenate himself and his followers. Obama’s noble obsession or passion for change was evident as he spoke about being stirred and prepared for the challenges to come. If this was how he reacted to defeat, I wondered with excitement how he could empower his followers in victory. He praised the unbreakable self-belief of his followers who voted in record numbers because they had faith in change. Obama’s campaign plan was revealed when he called on everybody to take the journey to somewhere new. His plan to garner Democratic support was also flexible enough to encourage some Republicans to share a vision of a better and a more united America.

Strong personal values are what separate those who achieve success and fulfillment, and those who just achieve success. It was evident that Obama’s race for the White House was bolstered by a deep morality to ignite a spark in everybody to be better in social and business environments. Health care, every child’s future and the genius of people in business and education received his support in his vision for change.

Obama’s tempo and tenor showed us that hi-energy has the ability to transform our lives and the lives of those around us. The basketball loving Senator had power in body and spirit as he varied his delivery from the embracement of legitimate fears to encouragement with hi-energy hope. He maintained his rapport with his followers through an invitation for them to join his challenge for change. This was new to his followers, and he knew that, so he played the role of mentor. The obstacles of negativity and fear were dissolved by his words of encouragement and guidance, and his constant use of the team word, we.

Finally, he took us into the minds of the slaves who consistently searched for freedom and the immigrants who embraced new challenges to begin a better life. This was Obama’s way of telling us that the journey is not easy, but it is definitely achievable if you do what’s required consistently.

Obama’s speech asked us to pause and ponder the possibilities despite the harsh climate of recession and despair. It encouraged me to write about the eight golden traits necessary for outstanding success in Sales? After all, Obama was selling a vision with integrity when he embraced his followers. I thought about the people in business who have displayed each trait, and I set out on a voyage to provide you with their wisdom and experience.

Like Obama’s speech, the words of this book will never change, but I hope that every time you read it, you will have changed in many positive ways. Please use it to inspire you and carry you when times are tough. Use it to stimulate fresh thought and encourage reminders of your abilities. Use it to spread optimism and enthusiasm. Use it to help you serve others better and help them serve you better. Use it to bring the financial, emotional and spiritual happiness you deserve.

When you have finished reading, I hope you will look in the mirror and say “Yes I Will” because you and I know “You Really Can.”

Darren Kelly
The Communication Experts